Prepackaged List : BPO Industry Executives and Decision Makers Mailing List

Total Records Available: -21,663 Business Executives
List Type: Email Marketing, Tele Marketing, Direct Mail
Deliverability Guarantee: 90%+ for Direct mails, 85%+ for Tele-contacts and 65% to 75% + for emails.
Delivery Format: XLS/TEXT
Delivery: Immediate (Within 5 business days upon receipt of payment)

Data Source: -
In-house database of 40 million B2B executives and 18 million businesses compiled over the past 13 years through seminars, trade shows, exhibitions and magazine subscription offers. We are also active data partners with leading publishing houses and marketing agencies. Our database is updated every month and changes approximately 4% on monthly basis.

Description About BPO Industry: -

Business process outsourcing (BPO) is a form of outsourcing which involves the contracting of the operations and responsibilities of a specific business function to a third-party service provider. BPO is often divided into two categories: back office outsourcing, which includes internal business functions such as billing or purchasing, and front office outsourcing, which includes customer-related services such as marketing or tech support. BPO that is contracted outside a company's own country is sometimes called offshore outsourcing. BPO that is contracted to a company's neighboring country is sometimes called nearshore outsourcing. This list Includes the BPO companies and companies having services like Telephone answering services, Voice mail service Etc.,

Industry Scope: -

Reach BPO Industry Professionals within industries such as

Information Available: -

First Name, Last Name, Title, Email Address, Company, Address, City, State/Province, ZIP/Postal Code, ZIP4, Country, Phone, Fax, Employees, Sales, SIC Code, Primary Industry, NAICS and Web Address.

Industry Based Counts: -

SIC Industry Records SIC Industry Records
737302 Business Process Outsourcing 1,219      

Company Revenue Based Counts (Approx): -

Contact Records Contact Records Contact Records
Less than $500,000 735 $5 M to 10 M 2,059 $100 M to 500 M 874
$500,000 to $1 M 2,630 $10 M to 20 M 1,842 $500 M to $1 B 143
$1 M to 2.5 M 1,954 $20 M to 50 M 2,896 Over $1 Billion 57
$2.5 M to 5 M 1,539 $50 M to 100 M 1,425    

Breakdown By Employee Size: -

Contact Records Contact Records Contact Records
1 - 4 1,420 50 - 99 2,531 1000-4999 604
5 - 9 1,110 100 - 249 2,161 5000 - 9999 95
10 - 19 2,634 250 - 499 783 10000 + 214
20 - 49 4,911 500 - 999 587    

Breakdown By State: -

State Records State Records State Records State Records State Records
AK 32 HI 25 MI 486 NV 125 UT 125
AL 127 IA 238 MN 403 NY 2,338 VA 853
AR 43 ID 44 MO 251 OH 775 VT 20
AZ 343 IL 1,410 MS 40 OK 128 WA 503
CA 3,571 IN 259 MT 42 OR 259 WI 271
CO 494 KS 160 NC 373 PA 775 WV 45
CT 303 KY 123 ND 36 RI 47 WY 22
DC 194 LA 141 NE 158 SC 120

DE 78 MA 1,000 NH 128 SD 43

FL 1,143 MD 566 NJ 862 TN 218

GA 633 ME 64 NM 70 TX 1,156

Try Our Sample BPO Industry email lists or mailing lists

Job Title Available: -

Titles Records
CEO/President 690
CFO 84
COO 130
Chairman 229
Owner/Partner 843
Vice Presidents 3,081
Directors 1,945
IT Executives 2,270
Sales Executives 647
Marketing Executives 598
HR Executives 785
Operations Executives 468
Finance Executives 86
Business Development Exec 108
Controller/Comptroller 167
Corporate Secretary 2
Treasurer 5
Managers 4,800
Purchasing /Procurement 76
Administration 982
R and D Exec 60
Others 3,117

Usage Of This List: -

Comprehensive Marketing List with Complete Detail - Ideal for Personalized Email Marketing as it includes email. Good for Telemarketing and Direct Mail Campaigns as well.

Try Our Sample BPO Industry email lists or mailing lists

* Count breakdowns and titles / specialties may change without prior notice with our updates.

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