Prepackaged List: Apparel and Accessory Stores Industry Executives List

Total Records Available: -45,446 Business Executives
List Type: Email Marketing, Tele Marketing, Direct Mail
Deliverability Guarantee: 90%+ for Direct mails, 85%+ for Tele-contacts and 65% to 75% + for emails.
Delivery Format: XLS/TEXT
Delivery: Immediate (Within 5 business days upon receipt of payment)

Data Source: -
In-house database of 40 million B2B executives and 18 million businesses compiled over the past 13 years through seminars, trade shows, exhibitions and magazine subscription offers. We are also active data partners with leading publishing houses and marketing agencies. Our database is updated every month and changes approximately 4% on monthly basis.

Description About Apparel and Accessory Stores Industry: -

This major group includes retail stores primarily engaged in selling clothing of all kinds and related articles for personal wear and adornment. Not included are establishments which meet the criteria for Department Stores or Miscellaneous General Merchandise Stores even though most of their receipts are from the sale of apparel and apparel accessories.

Industry Scope: -

Reach Apparel and Accessory Stores Industry professionals within industries such as

Information Available: -

First Name, Last Name, Title, Email Address, Company, Address, City, State/Province, ZIP/Postal Code, ZIP4, Country, Phone, Fax, Employees, Sales, SIC Code, Primary Industry, NAICS and Web Address.

Industry Based Counts: -

SIC Industry Records SIC Industry Records
5611 Men's and Boys' Clothing and Accessory Stores 5,592 5641 Children's and Infant’s Wear Stores 1,701
5621 Women's Clothing Stores 10,996 5651 Family Clothing Stores 4,731
5632 Women's Accessory and Specialty Stores 1,688 5661 Shoe Stores 13,758

Company Revenue Based Counts (Approx): -

Contact Records Contact Records Contact Records
Less than $500,000 5,647 $5 M to 10 M 5,030 $100 M to 500 M 637
$500,000 to $1 M 3,360 $10 M to 20 M 1,982 $500 M to $1 B 237
$1 M to 2.5 M 4,029 $20 M to 50 M 1,761 Over $1 Billion 122
$2.5 M to 5 M 3,416 $50 M to 100 M 1,388    

Breakdown By Employee Size: -

Contact Records Contact Records Contact Records
1 - 4 5,210 50 - 99 2,033 1000-4999 1,836
5 - 9 7,431 100 - 249 1,647 5000 - 9999 902
10 - 19 5,517 250 - 499 1,024 10000 + 4,462
20 - 49 4,052 500 - 999 854    

Breakdown By State: -

State Records State Records State Records State Records State Records
AK 48 HI 140 MI 1,355 NV 353 UT 286
AL 549 IA 228 MN 786 NY 3,914 VA 940
AR 233 ID 216 MO 835 OH 2,110 VT 86
AZ 775 IL 2,369 MS 262 OK 291 WA 1,167
CA 7,502 IN 671 MT 105 OR 586 WI 603
CO 805 KS 472 NC 1,011 PA 1,887 WV 96
CT 496 KY 307 ND 78 RI 111 WY 73
DC 121 LA 443 NE 221 SC 431

DE 111 MA 1,573 NH 252 SD 52

FL 2,550 MD 697 NJ 1,763 TN 770

GA 1,671 ME 320 NM 161 TX 2,564

Try Our Sample Apparel and Accessory Stores Industry executives email lists or mailing lists

Job Title Available: -

Titles Records
CEO/President 5,167
CFO 558
COO 131
Chairman 261
Owner/Partner 4,234
Vice Presidents 4,184
Directors 2,286
IT Executives 2,007
Sales Executives 1,151
Marketing Executives 1,364
HR Executives 2,412
Operations Executives 542
Finance Executives 1,438
Business Development Exec 39
Controller/Comptroller 277
Corporate Secretary 108
Treasurer 283
Managers 16,177
Purchasing /Procurement 206
Administration 310
R and D Exec 1
Others 2,056

Usage Of This List: -

Comprehensive Marketing List with Complete Detail - Ideal for Personalized Email Marketing as it includes email. Good for Telemarketing and Direct Mail Campaigns as well.

Try Our Sample Apparel and Accessory Stores Industry executives email lists or mailing lists

* Count breakdowns and titles / specialties may change without prior notice with our updates.

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