Prepackaged List: Miscellaneous Manufacturing Industry Executives Lists

Total Records Available: - 98,540 Business Executives
List Type: Email Marketing, Tele Marketing, Direct Mail
Deliverability Guarantee: 90%+ for Direct mails, 85%+ for Tele-contacts and 65% to 75% + for emails.
Delivery Format: XLS/TEXT
Delivery: Immediate (Within 5 business days upon receipt of payment)

Data Source: -
In-house database of 40 million B2B executives and 18 million businesses compiled over the past 13 years through seminars, trade shows, exhibitions and magazine subscription offers. We are also active data partners with leading publishing houses and marketing agencies. Our database is updated every month and changes approximately 4% on monthly basis.

Description About Miscellaneous Manufacturing Industry: -

Industries in the Miscellaneous Manufacturing subsector make a wide range of products that cannot readily be classified in specific NAICS subsectors in manufacturing. Processes used by these establishments vary significantly, both among and within industries. For example, a variety of manufacturing processes are used in manufacturing sporting and athletic goods that include products, such as tennis racquets and golf balls.

Industry Scope: -

Reach Miscellaneous Manufacturing Industry professionals within industries such as

Information Available: -

First Name, Last Name, Title, Email Address, Company, Address, City, State/Province, ZIP/Postal Code, ZIP4, Country, Phone, Fax, Employees, Sales, SIC Code, Primary Industry, NAICS and Web Address.

Industry Based Counts: -

SIC Industry Records SIC Industry Records
3911 Jewelry, Precious Metal 4,215 3955 Carbon Paper and Inked Ribbons 589
3931 Musical Instruments 1,875 3991 Brooms and Brushes 1,162
3942 Dolls and Stuffed Toys 1,725 3995 Burial Caskets 549
3953 Marking Devices 1,428 3999 Manufacturing Industries, NEC 15,078

Company Revenue Based Counts (Approx): -

Contact Records Contact Records Contact Records
Less than $500,000 2,741 $5 M to 10 M 3,367 $100 M to 500 M 673
$500,000 to $1 M 3,528 $10 M to 20 M 3,654 $500 M to $1 B 492
$1 M to 2.5 M 4,019 $20 M to 50 M 3,401 Over $1 Billion 660
$2.5 M to 5 M 4,208 $50 M to 100 M 1,344    

Breakdown By Employee Size: -

Contact Records Contact Records Contact Records
1 - 4 19,563 50 - 99 7,949 1000-4999 4,791
5 - 9 10,194 100 - 249 8,439 5000 - 9999 1,353
10 - 19 9,481 250 - 499 3,751 10000 + 9,310
20 - 49 13,452 500 - 999 2,743    

Breakdown By State: -

State Records State Records State Records State Records State Records
AK 133 HI 246 MI 3,091 NV 963 UT 947
AL 1,273 IA 933 MN 2,231 NY 5,534 VA 1,751
AR 706 ID 387 MO 2,052 OH 5,925 VT 338
AZ 1,707 IL 6,368 MS 499 OK 816 WA 2,688
CA 11,424 IN 2,927 MT 240 OR 1,222 WI 2,684
CO 1,362 KS 798 NC 2,274 PA 4,227 WV 242
CT 1,940 KY 1,167 ND 181 RI 1,466 WY 121
DC 108 LA 960 NE 390 SC 1,184

DE 228 MA 3,251 NH 471 SD 353

FL 5,524 MD 1,529 NJ 2,681 TN 1,763

GA 3,179 ME 565 NM 425 TX 5,066

Try Our Sample Miscellaneous Manufacturing Industry email lists or mailing lists

Job Title Available: -

Titles Records
CEO/President 12,031
CFO 1,290
COO 341
Chairman 677
Owner/Partner 8,601
Vice Presidents 7,799
Directors 6,441
IT Executives 6,011
Sales Executives 5,058
Marketing Executives 3,821
HR Executives 14,532
Operations Executives 1,699
Finance Executives 5,341
Business Development Exec 121
Controller/Comptroller 1,231
Corporate Secretary 295
Treasurer 1,483
Managers 17,213
Purchasing /Procurement 1,324
Administration 698
R and D Exec 101
Others 1,786

Usage Of This List: -

Comprehensive Marketing List with Complete Detail - Ideal for Personalized Email Marketing as it includes email. Good for Telemarketing and Direct Mail Campaigns as well.

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* Count breakdowns and titles / specialties may change without prior notice with our updates.

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