Prepackaged List: Environmental Quality and Housing Industry Executives List

Total Records Available: - 11,039 Business Executives
List Type: Email Marketing, Tele Marketing, Direct Mail
Deliverability Guarantee: 90%+ for Direct mails, 85%+ for Tele-contacts and 65% to 75% + for emails.
Delivery Format: XLS/TEXT
Delivery: Immediate (Within 5 business days upon receipt of payment)

Data Source: -
In-house database of 40 million B2B executives and 18 million businesses compiled over the past 13 years through seminars, trade shows, exhibitions and magazine subscription offers. We are also active data partners with leading publishing houses and marketing agencies. Our database is updated every month and changes approximately 4% on monthly basis.

Description About Environmental Quality and Housing Industry: -

This industry comprises government establishments primarily engaged in the administration and planning of housing programs, development of urban and rural areas. Included in this industry are government zoning boards and commissions. Regulation, supervision and control of land use, including recreational areas; conservation and preservation of natural resources; erosion control; geological survey program administration; weather forecasting program administration; and the administration and protection of publicly and privately owned forest lands. Government establishments responsible for planning, management, regulation and conservation of game, fish, and wildlife populations, including wildlife management areas and field stations; and other administrative matters relating to the protection of fish, game, and wildlife are included in this industry.

Industry Scope: -

Reach Environmental Quality and Housing Industry professionals within industries such as

Information Available: -

First Name, Last Name, Title, Email Address, Company, Address, City, State/Province, ZIP/Postal Code, ZIP4, Country, Phone, Fax, Employees, Sales, SIC Code, Primary Industry, NAICS and Web Address.

Industry Based Counts: -

SIC Industry Records SIC Industry Records
9511 Air and Water Resource and Solid Waste Management 3,954 9531 Administration of Housing Programs 1,330
9512 Land, Mineral, Wildlife, and Forest 4,743 9532 Administration of Urban Planning 704

Company Revenue Based Counts (Approx): -

Contact Records Contact Records Contact Records
Less than $500,000 749 $5 M to 10 M 489 $100 M to 500 M 79
$500,000 to $1 M 541 $10 M to 20 M 418 $500 M to $1 B 11
$1 M to 2.5 M 1,178 $20 M to 50 M 352 Over $1 Billion 19
$2.5 M to 5 M 369 $50 M to 100 M 62    

Breakdown By Employee Size: -

Contact Records Contact Records Contact Records
1 - 4 948 50 - 99 1,015 1000-4999 348
5 - 9 622 100 - 249 982 5000 - 9999 67
10 - 19 608 250 - 499 425 10000 + 952
20 - 49 1,357 500 - 999 232    

Breakdown By State: -

State Records State Records State Records State Records State Records
AK 125 HI 44 MI 167 NV 112 UT 93
AL 121 IA 132 MN 178 NY 486 VA 299
AR 65 ID 111 MO 207 OH 253 VT 9
AZ 412 IL 732 MS 51 OK 262 WA 279
CA 1,750 IN 163 MT 95 OR 200 WI 110
CO 331 KS 76 NC 183 PA 255 WV 41
CT 114 KY 79 ND 24 RI 57 WY 139
DC 462 LA 85 NE 74 SC 68

DE 39 MA 280 NH 35 SD 19

FL 546 MD 285 NJ 221 TN 143

GA 224 ME 90 NM 133 TX 580

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Job Title Available: -

Titles Records
CEO/President 288
CFO 109
COO 25
Chairman 74
Owner/Partner 47
Vice Presidents 229
Directors 1,102
IT Executives 2,287
Sales Executives 31
Marketing Executives 179
HR Executives 249
Operations Executives 299
Finance Executives 256
Business Development Exec 2
Controller/Comptroller 37
Corporate Secretary 59
Treasurer 23
Managers 2,747
Purchasing /Procurement 111
Administration 447
R and D Exec 1
Others 2,279

Usage Of This List: -

Comprehensive Marketing List with Complete Detail - Ideal for Personalized Email Marketing as it includes email. Good for Telemarketing and Direct Mail Campaigns as well.

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* Count breakdowns and titles / specialties may change without prior notice with our updates.

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